Reflection 1: Role Of Technology and Media in Education

Week 1 : Role of Technology and Media
Dear Journal;
My first thought when I got the timetable and saw Information Technology I was scared out of my mind. I walked into the class and my heart skipped a beat and even though I looked cool as a cucumber but I was sweating bricks.

Image result for gif of a black  girl sweating bricks

Then I met my bubbly full of life Lecturer Mrs. Marsh Roberts and she told everyone to introduce themselves and say what they expect to learn in this technology course. Then a sense of relief came over me that I am really going to enjoy this course.
Image result for gif of a black  girl happy

Task:  Research the four main theories of learning, learning styles, types of  multiple intelligence and types of learners
  Create email accounts:
  • Gmail with contacts and group contact list
  • Hotmail with contacts and group contact list
Complete questions using google forms

What I learned in week one : Role of Technology and Media in Education
What is media- the main means of mass communication
They are 6 categories of media;
*videos                                       *text
*people                                       *visual
*audio                                         *tactile
The meaning of the words blog, mind map, mindmeister, wordle and podcast.
How old and new Technology how they are linked e.g. floppy disc ......flash drive
cassettes.......... CD
What I learned in week one: Learning, Learning Styles,Multiple Intelligence and Learning Theories
What is Learning - Learning is permanent change in knowledge, skills and attitudes based on life long learning experiences( Marsh-Roberts)

9 Types of Multiple Intelligences
     *intrapersonal                                          *existential
     * Spatial                                                   *interpersonal
      * Naturalist                                              *linguistic
      * Musical                                                 *bodily Kinesthetic
      * logical mathematical

3 Main Learning Styles
*Visual                                      *Audio                         * Bodily Kinesthetic

The four main theories of learning
* constructivism - acquiring knowledge in a comfortable way fit for students
*behaviourism - the reinforcing of positive behaviours
* Cognitivism- learning from students previous experiences or the way the information is given
* Social- psychological- is about understanding individual behaviour in a social context

Types of Learners
*Active Learners                                        *Verbal                 
*Reflective Learners                                   *Global
*Sensing                                                      *Visual
* Intuitive                                                     *Sequential
How to make a group email contact list and use emails to communicate with my classmates via email.
  1. Go to and
  2. Complete the general information
  3. Sign into the email account created
  4. Click on the dropdown menu/apps icon
  5. Select contacts/people
  6. Add each individual email using the "new - contacts and contacts group/list" feature
  7.  Using Manage or More tab you may import contacts from another email account

Steps used to complete the task:
* My phone              *laptops                  *www.simply

The challenges I faced was getting the correct email address from my classmates cause guess what the email address they gave were not professionally appropriate and they had to change it.
* Hurricane Irma came to Antigua and Barbuda and the electricity was off.
Image result for gif of a black  girl eye rolling

Then when I finally got the email addresses I spent two days putting that email group together in both  email accounts

Image result for gif of a black girl eye overwhelmed

Conclusion: As you can see I have learned so much and how to integrate learning into technology, how to meet the learning needs of students by observing each student learning styles and intelligence because technology makes everything easier. I am so proud of me!!!! My first step to becoming a Technology Native!!

Image result for gif of a black  girl happy